G General

Music Band Set Admiral

Music Band Set Admiral

Musical Instruments and Sound Equipment with lights and stage - 100% mesh

For Live Performances, stages, recording studios, event spaces, clubs, etc...

- Drums set with chair - Land impact - 6
7 animations, automatic attachment drumsticks

- 2 Guitars - Land Impact - 3 each
Guitars have different animations, each 1 animation
By buying this set you get two transfer guitars for your band members, also 2 amplifiers with guitar animations, and automatic attachment guitars so anyone can play.

- Keyboard - Land Impact - 3
1 animation

- Microphone for the singer - Land Impact - 3
2 animations.

- Microphone for drums - Land Impact - 4

- 2 Amplifiers - Land impact - 4 each
silver-black and black-white, plus 2 guitar animated amplifiers.

- 3 Phonic Mixers - Land Impact - 1 each

- 2 Switch pedals - Land Impact - 1 each

- 4 Speakers - Land Impact - 2 each

- 4 Spotlights - Land Impact - 2 each
2 blue lights, 2 red lights, light on/off

- Stage - Land Impact - 2
Light on/off, fog on/off, moving water effect

- Gift - set of letters and numbers for your logo or band name - Land impact 1 or less for each.

Total Land Impact for the whole set with stage - everything you see in the picture - 53

All animations are in the Av sitter menu with menu control and adjust functions.

Furniture 011

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  • Guitars, drums
  • Band Amplifier, Mixer
  • Keyboard,, microphones
  • Music Spotlight, speakers
  • Complete Band Set