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Bandit 50/3 skip HUD (boxed)

Bandit 50/3 skip HUD (boxed)

This skip HUD lets you use pretty much every chat command without the hassle of having to remember them or type them out. There are *very* few exceptions. It also has a set of features that are now standard throughout the family of skip HUDs for Bandit/The Mesh Shop sailing boats.

I've always made my HUDs to be flexible, to allow the provision for people to modify my HUDs to get their perfect skip HUD, if that's what they want to do. This V2 HUD makes that a lot easier.

There is now one script to power all the HUDs, changing from a variety of similar scripts that had minor variances or features introduced on later HUDs and not present on older HUDs.

They also use one texture for all the buttons, and I'm hoping that the texture will continue to be relevant for any new Bandit/TMS releases *crosses fingers and hopes*.

The benefit of all this work is that I can make pre-built HUDs with less fuss for those that choose to buy them for each boat, and people that wish to re-purpose a HUD for more than 1 boat can do so if they're able and confident in their modding skills :)

Each HUD now has two sides, with each side having a minimize and maximize button to hide/show the HUD.

The front side contains the buttons you'll use commonly or those that represent major functions on the boat.

The reverse side contains the buttons less commonly used and also one of the major new pieces of work in bringing these V2 HUDs in to existence, i.e. the wind setter.

I've tried to make the wind setter very flexible, so that it can give you exactly the sort of interface you find most useful.

The wind setter is used to set both wind direction and wind speed. The large centre dial sets the direction, while the arc on the right of the wind setter sets the boat speed.

The wind setter will operate in one of two modes. The most commonly used mode is BWind, applicable to very many Bandit/TMS boats. The least commonly used mode is Boss, and at the time of writing is used by the Bandit IF, Madpea/Sweetpea, Flying Shadow, Ushuaia and Ocean Beach.

That means that it will work for pretty much every sailing boat Bandit/TMS make. As long as the boat actually listens to objects, that is. That includes the Laser, Nacra, B55, B60, IF, Pacha, Cafe del Mar, OD65 and I'll stop boring you there...

For those confident in their modding skills, I have included with each of the available HUDs a large set of buttons for you to modify and repurpose each HUD for other Bandit/TMS boats that you may own. You can either buy ready built HUDs from me, or you can build your own one-HUD-to-rule-them-all HUD, if that's what you wish. This has always been possible, but with the common script and common textures across the family of HUDs it's now much simpler for you to do.

Should delivery fail, either IM me or use any Caspervend redelivery terminal (my marketplace store is linked to my Caspervend dropboxes, makes life easier :)

See item in Second Life
  • simplifies giving commands
  • fully mod/copy (script copy only), so tweak away
  • minimizes when not needed
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A total hit! I love this HUD so much
full star full star full star full star full star Posted May 02, 2022 by Aida Lundquist

This HUD is so great and so good modifyable that you can add any command that your boat needs. ANd this for an affordable price that let room buying some fashion too! Thank you so much Kaliska for this fantastic tool.

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Easy To Use
full star full star full star full star empty star Posted March 26, 2022 by onceagain2016

Glad I bought this hud, but I agree with the other reviewers that it would be nice to show your speed.The vendor is nice enough to give you the link to another hud that does that, but then you have to buy another item to add to this one. So maybe just use the old hud along with this one. So much for clear screen..................

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Very easy to use.
full star full star full star full star full star Posted June 25, 2021 by Syykyr

The Skipper hud is easy to use, everything is there in front of you. You can set wind speed and or wind direction. I tend to use gestures for many thing on this boat such as working the sails, though you can access the sails from the hud. It will also indicate if the sails are not trim well. The price of the hud is also reasonable. its affordable.

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Pretty good
full star full star full star full star empty star Posted June 24, 2020 by EbonyOverIvory

Would be great if it displayed the boat's speed.

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Nice HUD design, but...
full star full star full star empty star empty star Posted April 20, 2020 by Sybille Winkler

not real usable during daily work. And thats bad, because I like the idea and the global design of that HUD! And maybe with some little additions it real would be become an (better!) alternative than the original HUD. If so, I give full 5 stars than!

Most missing: Speed value display, maybe as small but always readable digital value, somewhere on the edge or in middle of the windrose or so, but on EACH page and pregnant as eye catcher to see it with first look, maybe by other color of the digits. Aditional digital wind speed and/or direction values would be a nice option too, maybe all together as a small semitransparent digits line, and also if the display is minimized (show/hide line also as option?).

Second and also very important: A CAM button also on the windrose page! And that in separate design and/or color (see the camera symbol in original HUD: other shape style than the others, and on very separatet and easy to reach place on most right corner)! This is too often necessary after sim border crossing and no time than for much search of the button or much mouse click and clack over pages!

Third: The input method for digital values like wind speed or direction is real very ...lets say: semioptimal. To use standard dialoges maybe working, but seems to be only quick and dirty first-try-beta-test-style and don't match with the nice idea and design of this HUD. This is simple not usable in real work during sailing tasks! To end an input with ENTER is worlwide standard, but here only comes an line feed! To need to use and change between BOTH, keybord and mouse, only for a max 3digit input is ...sick and not usable in praxis. - Why not use a fast horizontal slider for fast speed input? Or maybe like in airplane cockpits: 2 (direction) or 3 (speed) short vertical sliders, stylish designed like nice little preselection wheels right of each digit, that would change from 0-9/9-0 if swipe up or down? Or as alternative up or down arrays over/under each digit?

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a must
full star full star full star full star full star Posted September 22, 2019 by peachdrop

makes life on board so easy

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