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Bandit 60 text info HUD (boxed)

Bandit 60 text info HUD (boxed)

What is it?

It's simply a script that reads the relevant parts of the boat's linked objects and turns that in to a human readable hovering text display.

When you are out sailing, the instruments on your Bandit will indicate different pieces of information to you. The most useful of these are interrogated by the script, crunched with a bit of maths and then turned in to a nice friendly and hopefully reasonably familiar display.

The display consists of the following items:-

Heading (in degrees)
Speed (in Knots)

then, if the sails are up:-

Apparent Wind Angle (in degrees)
Sheet Angle (in degrees)
Ratio of Apparent Wind Angle to Sheet Angle


Depth (in metres)

then, if the engine is running:-
Engine temperature
Throttle setting

In addition to this, the text will be coloured in the normal BWind colours, along with an indication on the Ratio line of how the sails are set:-

Red text means the sails are too loose, and is also signified by the text |>><<|
Yellow text means the sails are close to optimal, and is also signified by the text |><|
Green text means the sails are in the optimal range, signified by the text |=|
Cyan text means the sails are too tight, signified by the text |<>|

If you're using the engine, the text will turn red if the engine temperature exceeds 120. If you get it to max out and stay maxed out, you will blow the engine. That's not my doing, that's the boat's normal behaviour :) Take care of your engine!

The script can be installed in any part of the Bandit 60, it really doesn't mind where you put it.

HOWEVER! Choose somewhere that will place the HUD's text where you can best see it, my recommendation is to place it in the navlights/capstans/rope clutches object that sits on top of the cabin.

Avoid putting the script in any part of the boat that has a specific action when touched, such as doors, hatches, windows with drawing curtains, that sort of thing.

Installation is simplicity itself!

1) Rez your Bandit 60

2) Edit it

3) Using 'Edit Linked', copy the script from your inventory in to your chosen part of the boat

4) Pick up your boat

5) Enjoy!

When you next rez your boat, simply touch the part containing the script to toggle the text on and off.

While the boat is in motion the text will display pertinent information taken directly from the boat's own instruments. It's not made up by the script, it's the actual rotation of the dials turned in to text.

It should display as much information as is relevant to how you're currently using the boat. Sail/engine info will be displayed if they're currently deployed :)

I'll send out free updates as and when they occur, though I don't anticipate making any. The most likely reason would be an update of the boat changing the link order of the items I use as sources for the HUD's data.

See item in Second Life
  • provides a textual information HUD for your Bandit 60
  • uses a familiar BWind style presentation
  • just one script to place in your Bandit 60
  • presents information on sails and engine settings
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False Advertising
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted December 23, 2021 by Marshall Walcott

This is not a HUD this just adds hover text to the boat itself with the information

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Worth Buying
full star full star full star full star full star Posted January 25, 2016 by jmlamonico

Especially if you're used to the text display that you see when you sail a Loonetta. Just follow the instructions and insert the script into a linked portion of the boat where it won't interfere with your own name display - such as the right-side air vent behind you when you sail your Bandit 60 =)

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A great addition to the 60
full star full star full star full star full star Posted May 12, 2015 by Rick Nightingale

I like this even more than the skip HUD. It puts the info right where I want it, rather than having to keep glancing down at the instruments.

I actually tried to write my own - and having hacked into some of the instruments I decided I might just as well buy this and save myself the headaches.

Worth every L$.

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