Fitting demo
They're Grrrrreeeeat!
...As tony the tiger would say. First reviewer's comments are waaaay too picky and the rating is unjustified. Awesome boot at this price! I'll be buying.
My only criticism about the demo is that i'd like to have gotten the HUD with it to see what the different colors look like in world.
Definitely worth the download to try them on!
Thank you for the demo!
They are more than just OK
I read the last review and really, was not impressed by the buyers picky remarks. The boots look great and the texture on the demo was good, I will be buying the full version.
They're Just OK
While the texture and fit are PERFECT, there are 2 design issues: 1. The front soul is not wide enough for the top of the shoe, causing a bulge (small toe location) to spill over the outer side of the shoe when viewed from the front; 2. The heel is not attached to the boot as cleanly as I would like it to be--it needs to be placed a tad under the boot, to create a smooth and clean profile.