The ## CI ## Airplane Rider AO includes 22 animations sorted as follows:
- 7 stands
- 1 walk
- 1 run
- 1 Fly
- 1 Fly Up
- 1 Fly Down
- 1 Hover
- 1 Jump
- 1 Pre-jumping
- 1 Land
- 1 Fall
- 1 Sit
- 1 Ground Sit
- 1 Crouch
- 1 Turn Right
- 1 Turn Left
The AO contains a rideable mesh airplane in 2 sizes: petite and standard size. The airplane is copy mod so you can recolor (use select faces feature on edit window) and is unscripted so you can resize or adjust position in any way you like.
Wether you are using normal or petite avi, the AO hud will work for both. Just use the appropiate airplane size (or resize one copy to your liking)
All animations and props are copy / mod
See item in Second LifeSO much fun!
As someone that spends a lot of time in the Air in RL in small private aircraft … I must say they did a great job.. its very intuitive and one of the better flying experiences I've had in SL.. great job!