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CJ old cozy purple leather chair Set

CJ old cozy purple leather chair Set

CJ Creations presents:
(This is not an update from older Item - its complete new fresh as Set)

Old cozy purple leather chair Set with lots of features:
Each Item unlinked delivery in Rez-Box

You get:
- Set comes in Rez-Box (don't unpack the Content - just rezz on ground and touch the little house)
- 58 Single / Couple (PG) / Toddler-BeBe or other Kids in this Size - Bento Animations incl.
23 Female (10 with Props)
19 Male (9 with Props)
8 Toddler / Bebe or other with same Size (2 with Props)
8 lovely Couple (PG - incl. taoasting - with Props)

Chair - 5 Li
Table / Deco - 5 Li
Wallplanter - 5 Li
Rug - 1 Li
Shelf with Plant - 5 Li
Candle Wall - 2 Li (Flame on/off by touch the Flame)
Twisted Candleholder on Ground - 2 Li (Flame on/off by touch the Flame)
**Optional Wall with Ivy as Backdrop - can be use or delete

Permission: copy/mody - scripts no mody
All comes in Rez-Box and copy/mody - scripts no mody

Drink sparkle Wine or Coffee, read a Book or blog with your Laptop - toasting with your Partner/Friend also includet and much more

Set can be check in my Shop inworld - before purchase!

Enjoy ♥

Caren Jewell
CJ Creations

See item in Second Life
  • 24 Prims Full Set
  • copy / mody - scripts no mody
  • unlinked Parts comes in Rez-Box
  • high in detail
  • spends diff. Props like coffee, sparkle wine, laptop and more ..