not : many Girls asking me this question it's to big and i want Resizeble one.. oky First i dont have any resizeble one for woman and this gun REALLY big in RL life.. This is not a small Cowboy revolver.. this is very big one how it's big in RL life you want see please watch the video...
Happy 4th of July !
5 Diffrent Stand Animation 12 Total Animations
7 Old Metal 7 New Metal Textures
2 Dirrent Colour Harness
Automatic Stand Anim / On-Off.
intelligent, low lag, logic.
>> Rigged Only Maitreya Body.
NOT: It's a Accessory Not Combat Gun.
Any suggestions and complaints or to get information about usage, feel free to contact with me from it
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please can you update it to Reborn, I was Maitreya and now Reborn, would love to have this gun back, it goes with many of my rp outfits. hope you can make it for this body someday. would be nice to get the update.
Update please!
I absolutely love this gun. Can't find another like it on SL. But please update to Legacy. I bought this for my Maitreya body but have recently changed to Legacy as I needed a better alpha hud. I miss my fun twirling gun. :(
you could for this.. this thing is bad a** i will be looking in to your other products// 10 od 10 people it worth the price for sure.. i wouldnt mind more options for the holding case tho but still no bad review will be rocking this with my knife
fun fun fun
No one bothers me when I wear this. wish the garter came in more colors but that's Ok..
the animations are awesome. Goes well with the knife
I have stuck in my other garter on my other leg..
Hey, what can i say, SL has a lot of Pervs needing stabbed and their brains blown out.
I love this but I wish I could change the color of the lace other then just black or white.
Muito bonita a arma
Poderiam fazer uma atualização para o corpo Freya apenas por causa de uma simples faixa na perna