100% High quality all original handmade Mesh. Made in Blender 2.78. (Not ripped from any game)
HD Textures. Specular, Normal, Diffuse mapping.
(Materials enabled)
Low land impact 1 prim each
As a huge fan of the post apocalyptic genre and the world in the FALLOUT series of games. I couldn't live without a few of the most popular items commonly found lying around the wasteland.
In the package you receive 4 bottlecaps of different lore friendly drinks, a rad away bag, a Jet inhaler and two boxes of "Boomies" cereal, both clean and dirty variants.
Boomies cereal is actually a fictitious cereal brand used in the 1950's television show "My Little Margie". I screen capped a shot of the cereal, added color and slapped it on a cereal box of my own design in order to bring it to life.
Below is a link to the 1954 episode "Margie's Millionth Member" where the cereal is featured.
Hope you enjoy! Have fun out there Vault Dwellers!
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