Fully scripted Castle wood door, with a high resolucion texture.
- Open / Close Script
- Lockable access control by list
- Loaded with Sounds open/close
- Linkcable to building
Only in 1 prim, you can modify and resize it as you like to fit your needs and it remains only 1 prim.
Loaded with the best door scripts in SL, beside open/cclose you can lock the door so noone than is not on the user list can open the door.
You may add users to your door, so only the ones on the list are able to access de door.
List editable by simply chat commands, lock, unlock, add users, remove users
Owner always can open can close door.
It is also copy so you may add as much as you wish to your house or sim.
- Scripted open/close
- Scripted lockable and access control
- Ideal for Castles, Dungeons and such
- 1 prim
- Sounds