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!Clint Jacket Black - Klam Design PROMO WEEK

!Clint Jacket Black - Klam Design PROMO WEEK

Clint Jacket Black - Klam Design PROMO WEEK

sculpted Jacket, sleeves with resizer script for resize if u need.
available in 3 colors more now

* The Jacket is MOD , you need delete the resizer script from the menu and you can edit the jacket for fit your body*

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Review of Clint Jacket Black
full star full star full star empty star empty star Posted April 05, 2014 by BigglesVII

Purchased the jacket, I found I could only have it way too big. Tried reducing the size around the waist and it dissapeared.

Looks great and good value for money but the size needs to be easier to adjust.

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full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted June 06, 2010 by Joseph Rustamova

After buying this item the owner repeatedly sends note cards containing his/her latest creations to you on a regular basis.
This is an annoyance and extremly unprofessional from vendors as the majority of users will simply mute them and never purchase another item from them again!

If I want updates I will join your GROUP!!!

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full star full star empty star empty star empty star Posted May 13, 2010 by Jaylin Wytchwood

High Quality, yes, but as said, no Mod. The resizer, as said pumps up the whole piece, so its either too large and baggy or you stick though with some bodypart, and my shape is not that muscular.

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full star full star full star empty star empty star Posted May 12, 2010 by Mr Mukaida

The picture is cool though no flexibility.

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full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted February 24, 2010 by NELO Voom

i got the jacket... all prims are messed and mixed up i spent hours tring to get it right i dont know if the others that commented got it like that .. woudlnt recommend

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full star full star empty star empty star empty star Posted February 19, 2010 by Tobi Cyberschreiber

Hi, this Jacket looks awesome, and i love the deatil,
but im kinda dissapointed, the jacket looks good on unique stands, and that just from the front, its perfect for photoshootings, but to run around with, no way, its to stiff, the jacket is way to open and look to big from the sides, very large space between the body and jacket, resizer worked, but it didnt make it wet... sry but not formy oppinion not as good as it should be...., and so the tshirt doenst makes it better cuz its linked with the jacket... sry

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