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Combat Bot 7542 Version 1

Combat Bot 7542

* Combat bot has a very nice dodge and movement script. He moves on his own staying around 10 meters to an avatar and makes 5 meter movements. When a shooter enters mouse look he will follow mouse look . . He has set moves of forward back and side to side he will follow your mouse look while still moving side to side and front to back . He runs best on a flat surface a good open area is best. A consequence of having him follow mouse look to be more evasive is he can be lifted into the air if someone looks into the sky but he still stays in approximately a 10m range. Also special note he may have somewhat haywire quick movements if put in world around a lot of avatars until his sensor decides on what avatar to follow.

* Combat Bot 7542s mission is to eradicate all human life and is programmed to destroy.

* Combat bot 7542 s' construction is aluminum and brass.

* Moving tank treads

* Flashing led light

* Muffler smoke particles

* Engine sounds

* Glowing eyes

* Gas cap

* Wires

* Spiked shoulders

* Robot sounds

* Floating Hp health meter of 500 hp it takes around 100 bullets or so set at 100 damage to kill him and has a very nice explosion on death. This will very if he has taken a hit or two it all depends on how much health he has left.

* Digital human scanning radar that glows plays scanning sound.

* He makes only two TEXT comments in chat as not to spam text sayings... scanning for human life ... and Fire when he is on the attack.

* His attack....... duel arm cannons fire a plasma ball causing 80% damage on a timer. The guns have a smoke burst effect and firing sound. Plasma balls always hit there mark , glow and play sound. They are heat seeking and hit the nearest avatar to combat bot.

* Running dialog combat bots voice communication or 4 sounds plus his engine sound , explosion, and radar scanner sound. His dialog often gets cut off by another operation like his attack will play the attack sound cutting of his sentence but you will still hear his comments when he isn't attacking or scanning.

* Combat bot sum what causes his own demise as sometimes plasma balls fired by him hit the bot on the way out diminishing his health somewhat but i figured this was a petty issue and sort of funny at the same time. Hopefully Combat Bot 7542 will bring a little added entertainment to your second life.

  • Combat Bot 7542 see discription