A long sleeved cotton t-shirt with a sexy twist! Cute corset style laces on the front, your choice of contrast color ribbon laces on all clothing layers or min-n-match prim laces.
Each package includes 2 tops (with and without laces), 2 colors of prim laces (regular and tango fit), and optional tango appliers for both styles. (*Prims are mod, and may require adjustment to better fit your avatar shape or tangos size.)
DCNY Clothing Co. prides itself on creating great casual designs, in a beautiful selection of colors.
Great quality separates at affordable prices.
Please visit DCNY in-world for complete selection.
- All clothing layers included
- Items are sold as MOD/COPY/No Transfer
- Prims are modifiable and may require adjusting
- Products also available at the mainstore in-world
Please visit us at http://dcnyclothing.blogspot.com/