G General

*DS* Profanus 2

*DS* Profanus 2

This typing overrider appear by typing in local chat and it looks like speaking with the animated mandible.

*DS* Profanus 2 Commands:
/7help = this text
/7reset = resetting

/7kiss + name | /7love + name | /7goto + name

/7rezzer auto | group | off = Symbol on Ground
/7teleport on | off = toggle teleport-effect
/7show = demonstrate teleport-effect

/7sound on | off = toggle typing-sound
/7loop on | off = typing-sound play looped or one-off
/7vol 0 - 10 = typing-sound volume
(for your own typing-sound put a soundfile into the object.)

See item in Second Life
  • Typing Override (Mesh Skull with animated mandible)
  • Teleport Effect (sound exchange by notecard)
  • Typing Sound (on/off, volume, looped 0. one-off, exchange)
  • 3 Emotes (particle & chat, messages editable by notecard)
  • No LAG (1 script only)