G General

Dr.Siggy *FUNCTIONAL* PsychoTherapist Version 1.0

Dr.Siggy *FUNCTIONAL* PsychoTherapist

BORED? Having a BAD DAY? Consult Dr. SIGGY
- He may not cure you, but should give you a smile.

A port to SecondLife of the Eliza Artificial Intelligence demonstration
- You sit, he greets you, and the session begins ...
- He will listen to you, and create probing responses.

NO, this is not a serious program, it is for FUN !!
- Eliza simulates conversation by using a 'pattern matching' and substitution process that gives users an illusion of understanding on the part of the program.

Siggy is COPY and physically MODIFY (script is no-modify)

Come, take a seat, and talk to him in-world: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Exotic%20Forest/231/160/1700

See item in Second Life
  • Listens to you and creates probing responses
  • A port to SecondLife of the 'Eliza' Artificial Intelligence demonstration
  • Simulates conversation by using 'pattern matching' and 'substitution'