*!* EVE wardrobe for EVE
WARDROBE : for EVE only
- With the Wardrobe you can save your favorites applier.
- For Example you wear a fashion t-shirt and pant.
- Go to the shelve of fashion and click for the save, after go to the lower and click to save (your outfit are now saved on the memory 1 in the wardrobe).
- You can save 10 upper 10 lower per shelve. (60 memory in total)
- Before save something make sure you are on a empty memory for do not remove you first one!
- You can save an outfit on the underwear shelves and load whit the LOAD button on the fashion shelves.
- Like this you can send your outfit on all layers you want...
- The wardrobe is copyable, you can create all wardrobes you want.
- For rename your wardrobe you must rez it and click on the rename button.
Found tuto of the wardrobe on youtube:
GARDE-ROBE : pour EVE 8.4 only
- Avec cette garde-robe vous pourrez sauvegarder vos appliers favoris.
- Par Exemple, vous portez un vêtement T-shirt et un pantalon, allez sur l’étagère vêtement et cliquez sur le bouton "Save" à coté du "Haut"et pareil pour le "Bas".
- Votre vêtement est sauvegardé dans la garde-robe sur la mémoire "1".
- Vous disposez de 10 mémoires par "Haut" et 10 par "Bas" et par étagères. (60 mémoires au total)
*** Attention ***
- Vérifiez toujours de vous trouver sur une place vide avant d’effectuer votre sauvegarde sous peine d’écraser le vêtement précédemment enregistré.
- Vous pouvez déplacer un vêtement de l’étagère "Tattoo" et l'envoyer sur le layer lingerie correspondant de EVE. Pour cela, il suffit de charger le tattoo de l’étagère "Tattoo" et de cliquer sur le bouton Save de l’étagère lingerie. :)
- La Garde-robe est copiable, vous pouvez donc enregistrer autant d'exemplaires que vous le souhaitez.
- Vous pouvez renommer votre garde-robe, pour cela, il faut la rezer au sol et cliquer sur le bouton "rename"
Vous trouverez un tuto sur youtube:
really nice, i love it, work perfect for my Eve, i can save my favorites appliers Eve and omaga and mix it, nice job and good price thank you one more time for this work
this is a MUST HAVE but FAILS on a major requirement for larger breast
looking at it this is needed for any and all people both men and women that need a good way to keep there clothing in cheek . though more memory would be good and more slots would be great . HOWEVER for women with larger 3rd party breast this fails . this is pointless if you have lolas,SN, ets this is near a waist of money . you will still need the original applier for your breast. . . if they could make an add on to this that makes the wardrobe an omega applier than that would make this perfect . the added more memory space would also be good . it really could be good also a side note being able to collapse the hud and put it away would be also a must so its not just there all the time.