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Fairytale Manor House

Fairytale Manor House

Beautiful and mystical Fairytale Manor House. This substantial and impressive brick built home is a larger version of our Fairytale towers with more room for guests. It has a natural feel with organic shapes and decor with many features;-

*Lanterns at the front of the house light the way inside to a breathtaking entrance way with stained glass partitions
*Huge main room on the ground floor with an ornate fireplace - ideal for entertaining
*Two additional small rooms on the ground for for use as a kitchen, study or library.
*Sweeping spiral staircase to the first floor
*Main room with french windows to a large balcony
*A private balcony to the rear with seperate doors
*Teleport up to the top room with a juliet balcony and huge gridded window - click the grid to increase privacy
*All doors are lockable
*Wood panelled walls
*The roof has many different texture options including toadstool red, wooden tiles, grass, silversnake and snow
*Home control system has two buttons on the ground & top floors to control the lanterns, lock doors, change roof texture & on/off fire
*Home control system is configurable to restrict access
*Full instructions included

Only 154 prims including the teleport the Manor House is 32mx32m approx, and really needs a minimum of 2048m plot.

Smaller versions available.

Come visit our beautiful MayLou island to see all our themes including castles, zen, fairy, elven, moroccan & indian by clicking here , or teleport direct to this item by clicking here:)

See item in Second Life
  • Substantial & impressive brick built home with tall fantasy towers
  • Ground floor with large living area, fireplace. Full home control system.
  • First floor with circular room, french doors, balcony & secluded balcony room
  • Teleport up to circular bedroom with feature grid window & juliet balcony
  • 32mx32m, 154 prims. 2048m plot recommended. Autorezzer.
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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full star full star full star full star full star Posted July 18, 2009 by Alyvaral Aeghin

I bought this house and I gotta say, everyone wants one! It's got lots of room, looks great! Everything works as it's supposed to, which is nice ;) I looked at every fantasy home on the grid, srsly, and this one RAWKS!
The price isn't bad either ;) Now if I can figure out how to stop the neighbors from changing the roof textures ;p

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