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Found Footage - TWBM Puppy Headmods - Pentagon Version 1.0

Found Footage - TWBM Puppy Headmods - Pentagon

/////////PLEASE READ
Word on the street is that there will not be size mods.
As such I've set this item back to normal pricing. Thank you to early buyers!

Requires the TWBM Wolf Puppy avatar and some decent modding skills (linking and unlinking)
In this pack is

x1 Head Replacement for Timber Wilds x BRDMRT Puppy avatar

How to use:

- Rez (drag from inventory to ground) your TWBM Wolf Puppy's Head and your purchased head modification.

- Right click the old head, unlink everything, and delete everything except the base square.

- Rez and select your new head mod parts, THEN your old head part, and link.

- Important. Go through the HUD, click Customize, and Reset All to apply the spec/normals.

- Use your appliers, either purchased or that came with the avatar, to apply your textures to the new parts.

1.0 full release - fixed mouth normals and teeth alignment

Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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Perfect for a more "foxy" aesthetic
full star full star full star full star full star Posted February 05, 2024 by Dante Rousselot

This mod is great if you're specifically trying to go for a more fox-like appearance, or perhaps just a more femenine figure in general. The seller was extremely helpful and wasted no time in getting back to me when I had a question. +Rep.

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