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Golden Posh Event Building Skybox Version

Golden Posh Event Building Skybox Version

2024 Model !!

A new Concept Building for Event Owners
Skybox Version !
Size is 80 meters front to back,99 meters side to side
Features 80 Event booths,two levels, for sponser and non sponsers , all booths are the same size,plus two center floor booths with 4 sides to be used as 8 seperate rentals, or two main sponsers with 4 spaces each.
No more candy cutter event spaces everyone owns , with not enough character and space, we have taken the time to add design and style , while also giving the event Class, an event space people will take you seriously as an owner, everything is mod, to adjust remove change as you want ,even recolor, this is the colors i have chosen for it, bottom sponser booths can be made much deeper if needed , please leave a review, if you would like to see it rezzed, feel free to contact me, im more than happy to show it