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Grandfather clock 2

Grandfather clock 2

Temporal Gadgets~Grandfather Clock - 2
Basic Model

L$ 250

They've always said that Second Life is a world made BY geeks, FOR geeks...but now you can show off your style and sophistication with the latest timepiece from the workshops of Temporal Gadgets. The analog grandfather clock! Available in three styles, this beautiful timepiece displays the current time in Second Life (PST) in on the lovely gold face. Has real moving hands, and lifelike ticking sound. Bring some old world charm into our new world!

Just rez the clock in place...it will automatically set itself to SL time.

If the clock has ticking sounds...touch to toggle the sounds on/off

Come Visit our main shop in Semoshi!

See item in Second Life
  • Shows real SLT time
  • Moving hands