G General

Greyson Fleet Officer - Orange

Greyson Fleet Officer - Orange

Duty and Honor. The officers of the Planetary Union work hard to insure peace and prosperity, but they also know how to keep it loose and fun.

This Full mesh costume works with Maitreya, Legacy, Slink (Hourglass/Physique), & Belleza (Isis/Venus/Freya).

Includes Jacket, Pants, and Shoes.

Multiple Badge options also available via included HUD. Custom/Unique badges available upon request. Contact Arin Tatham for details.

Comes with Tactical Spec Earphone communicator (either ear). Can be worn individually or together.

To get the most out of this costume design, check out the Deluxe version (https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Greyson-Fleet-Officer-Deluxe/23627386). For the cost of 2 1/2 costumes you get all 8 colors and badges on a single Hud.

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