G General

Guitars - High Detail

Guitars - High Detail

High Detail Guitars - Pack of 6

LI 1 to 2

No scripts or animations included.

Optional models included: LI 4 to 7 with high LOD. Good for stage performances as these can still be seen from far away..

Bass Guitar LI = 1 (or 4), and 1 texture face

Electric Guitar LI =1 (or 7), and 2 texture faces

Blue Bass Guitar - LI = 2 (or 6), and 7 texture faces

Red Electric Guitar - LI = 1 (or 5), and 6 texture faces

Acoustic Guitar 1 - LI = 2 (or 5), and 4 texture faces

Acoustic Guitar 2 - LI = 2 (or 7), and 7 texture faces

Do not sell or distribute full perm.

Adding animations to these models is considered sufficient changes for reselling with these textures.

If sold as display models then you need to add your own creative work to these - not to be sold as is.

Do not resell at under L50
Do not resell as a pack

Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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full star full star full star full star full star Posted April 30, 2018 by Kymgome

Hello can you resend item bought from you plz beside the 2 I bought to day you don't have to but one befor this plz and thank you sl ate them not sure if I have ask you yet or not

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Seriously good value for money
full star full star full star full star full star Posted March 04, 2018 by Suzanne Nitely

Very nice guitars! If I was paying L$500 per guitar I might nit-pick some of the details, but at this asking price I would be ashamed to criticise. The higher LOD versions have mid level detail up to 20m distant are there is a visible guitar shape up to 60m! They can be re-sized easily and multiple texture faces lets you customise them without too much effort.

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