G General

HBL Commercial Buildings, SkyPod Mall MK II

HBL Commercial Buildings, SkyPod Mall MK II

A large 60x60m 368 prim Mall. There are two entrances, one on each side, each with locking auto sliders. This structure features three floors of shopping with a modern central elevator.

This is a successful design and has been used in several popular places list locations. It has been used both in the air and on the ground.
The white and black detail makes this pod easy to tint to any color, except black of course, and still retain the detail.

The windows are controllable for clear, tint, and private and interior walls along the stalls. This pod uses a res device for simple assembly. It is copy/mod/no transfer for loss prevention and care free modding. Interior walls are spawned with the building but can be modded as desired.

Be it a home, condos, a store, mall, hotel, or skypod, come on down to our main lot on
Cote de Ivoire
and take a walk through.
Best Regards,
Loniki Loudon

See item in Second Life
  • Sky mall with individual modable booths
  • large central elevator
  • window and door controls
  • Auto slider entrance doors
  • Three levels, about 36 shops
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
  • 5 star:
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