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Halloween tombstone jumping

Halloween tombstone jumping

tombstone, mossy grey brown stone, avatar height, a mystic glow emitting from it's base - a blue flame appears at irregular intervals (see picture) - then the tombstone comes alive and jumps a little bit to the side as if someone wants to escape from the grave - then it turns calm again until the next frame appears ...

2 prims at this size (stretching it will increase prims)
copy and modify (create a jumpy cemetery!)

please contact me if there are any issues


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full star full star full star empty star empty star Posted October 02, 2024 by StevenMarlette

More like a chess piece moving one square side to side. Not jumping..lurching perhaps. The eerie green mist coming from the base is nice and the blue flame popping on and off is alright but not incredibly thrilling. It rezzes out rather large and if you try to adjust the size smaller it doesn't work out as things are already at their smallest size. If you have a nice spooky cemetery it doesn't take up much land impact so it would look nice out there

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