[INDO] Rustic Lantern - Full Perm/1LI
Rustic lantern with a candle for light source. 1 land impact at normal size (and two can be linked together to retain the 1 LI rating). 1 Piece of mesh with 5 faces for full customization. 2 full perm textures are included as shown (AO and wood texture)
The glow on the flame in this example item was created by turning on glow in the edit menu under the texture tab (after selecting "select face" or the equivalent in the viewer you are using and selecting the flame face). Camming inside the glass to make this selection can be very tricky, but I have two tried and true suggestions for making this work. You can increase the size of a second copy (keeping one at regular size for a reference) to the point where it's easy to get inside of the glass shield, or you can set everything to "glow" and add any desired texture to the entire item and then select the exterior portions separately to turn the glow off and retexture.
Note that because the lantern has 5 separate faces, the candle can be removed with an alpha texture while leaving the remaining mesh. Turning up the glow on the flame (and perhaps linking a separate prim in a bulb or other shape) can give the appearance of a more modern oil based lamp once the candle is removed
Please note and abide by the Terms of Service for this full perm item below:
This item is full perm as are any included textures. You may save them to your hard drive and modify them for your own use. You may include this mesh item in your own builds and sell it when used in that manner. You may not resell this mesh as a stand alone item with full perms, either with my or with remade textures. You may not resell these textures in SL or in another venue. You are not allowed to give this item away for free as is, unless it has been altered in some manner (with the addition of other elements or your own textures). You are not allowed to sell or give this item away full perm. Copy/Mod no transfer, or Mod/Trans no Copy only. You are free to include this item in your own builds and price the final product as you see fit.
- Original Mesh And Textures
Nice lantern. I like to rusty texture. It was easy to work with and keeping it along adding my own touch (including script). Thank you.
Very nice had fun adjusting that...
Easiest way to get inside to get the candle...
Rez two original copies... stretch one of them really big and press the middle and make it transparent for now.....then put the big version on top of your avatar at the head.......
then cam upwards to candle/flame edit/select face to then press on the candle...
do the glow and whatever ... ... and then when you finished with the whole thing.. go to the other lantern you rezzed.. edit and get its size meters by pressing c ... then go to the big version again and edit object and press the 2nd P on its size meters to paste what same size as original lantern....