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Incredible Spooky Dining Table with poltergeist effect!

Incredible Spooky Dining Table with poltergeist effect!

In the three and a half years my friend Aragon Sommer and I have been building together this is by far the most amazing and fascinating item we have made.

Its a dining table with chairs all set for a lavish dinner. On command or by secret sensor (very easy to operate) the table goes MAD! It is as if it is possessed by a demented spirit or poltergeist.

The plates and cutlery all fall on the floor (becoming temp prims so not adding to your prim allocation at all) and mayhem ensues. A few of the chairs tip back and do odd things too. Also an eerie glow accompanies the effect. After a short time it all resets by itself.

Great fun to invite friends over for a dinner party and when they are all seated you secretly type the command! Suitable for all year round not just Halloween.

Table, cutlery etc 25 prims. Chairs are 3 and a few 4 prims each. Just added Red cushions and black table version. Included FREE!

I guarantee you will get a lot of laughs from this amazing item!

PLEASE watch the 30 second film by clicking below and by all means IM me in world or use the SLURL to go see it in action

thank you for your time

BambiTwice Nitely

See item in Second Life View Video »
  • Brand new for summer 2011
  • low lag
  • Incredible attention to detail
  • Easy to rezz
  • satisfaction guaranteed!
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Great for any haunted party .
full star full star full star full star full star Posted October 13, 2011 by Talon Farspire

Very nicely made and well thought out . Good for a haunted house or a party .

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