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Island4addon winter-summer

Island4addon winter-summer

This addon is created exclusively for the Island4 and working only with Island4. Link for Island4 see below in related items.

This addon consists of a 2 packs of 16 textures each, Sets of textures allow you to change the textures on Island 4 to the summer edition or the winter edition according to the scheme presented together with the addon.

1) Unpack winter set and summer set of textures to your inventory.
2) Right click on your Island4 in SL and choose Edit mode
3) Check "Select face" in General tab and you will see division of the island into 16 squares for 16 textures (see scheme.jpg)
4) Open your inventory and winter or summer set of textures. Drag and drop textures one by one to each of 16 squares according to the scheme.jpg

Look at this process at how_to_change_texture_set.jpg
Done! No additional scripts, no lags. The whole process will take you 1-2 minutes

See item in Second Life