Italian Medieval Castle

This is a historically accurate reconstruction of an Italian style medieval castle. The footprint is approximately 50x60 and 675 prims in its standard configuration.
It is is perfect for RP or just as the residence of a landlord.
All the internal doors are optional as well as the fireplaces and the walls that separate the different rooms. In its standard configuration the castle comprehends three rooms at the first floor around the courtyard, characterised by a more severe aspect and no windows (like a soldier area), and a very luminous noble floor with 5 rooms and two fireplaces.
From the noble floor it is possible to enter the first floor of the square main tower. A ramp into one of the angular towers leads to the roof terrace from which it is possible to climb the other floors of tower.
The permissions are Mod Copy No Transfer, so anyone can customize this castle. All the doors are lockable.
The Italian Castle is packed with Rez-Faux. Drop the box on the ground and click on it to get the menu. Click on Rez and wait while the building is assembled. Move the box to place the building at its final position and once you are satisfied click again the box and the Save button.
Please send a note to Francesco Despres for any question or for customisations.
See item in Second LifeL$ 6,000
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- User Licensed