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KS-3 Kite Surfer rez station Version 0.1

KS-3 Kite Surfer rez station

A Rez Station for the KS-3 Kite Surfer

This is the Nocopy version of the Rez Station.

The contents include two types of noticeboard which supply instructions to your visitor on how to use the kite surfer. The owner can select his preference.

The rez station allows any number of KS-3 Kite Surfers to be rezzed and used by any visitor. The rezzer has a land impact of 3 plus 1 or 3 depending on the type of notice board used. Each Kite Surfer rezzed has an impact of 5 and is temporary and dies after use.

Visit "The Shack" where you can try out the rezzers from Shack's surfing beach.

Note :

No wind direction, no tacking no gybing .. just fun in the surf and crazy stunts (so apologies to all the RL kite boarders and sailors out there). So .. the KS-3 Kite Surfer is best used in SIMs with surfing waves rather than sailing areas.

See item in Second Life
  • Rezzes KS-3 Kite Surfers on touch
  • Allows any visitor to rez and ride the Kite Surfer
  • Notecard giver with instructions
  • Each Kite Surfer rezzed is temporary and dies after use
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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A really fun water toy, and excellent customer service!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted May 13, 2020 by Sebastian Marques

I looked around for a fun and easy to use kite surfer and this fit the bill. I love that the kite attaches with a dialog so no need to dig in inventory for it.

The rezzer had hovertext on it, but I messaged the creator and he sent me a replacement without it. Will definitely recommend both product and seller!

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