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Kcreations Armourweave Catsuits Black & White

Kcreations Armourweave Catsuits Black & White

A set of catsuits displaying a tough carbon-fibre-like weave. Light armour for when the spanking paddle comes out.

Each box contains 8 each of gloves, pants, shirts, socks, underpants and undershirts.

  • Eight complete catsuits
  • Four colour shades
  • Each shade in two surface finishes
  • Over- and under-layer included
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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full star full star full star full star full star Posted May 21, 2015 by Vixanne Dreamscape

For once, an outfit that looks better on, than the poster!! It's gorgeous.

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Great! :D
full star full star full star full star full star Posted October 24, 2012 by Lily Kanashimi

This stuff if good more more than just kinks. I'm a Star Wars Roleplayer and Star Wars lore has a material called Armourweave, which is a kind of lightweight, energy-resistant material that can take several hits form a blaster and even can resist lightsabres to a limited extent. Darth Vader's Cape happened to be made of armourweave. o.o

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