SONIADA - Arcadian BotWars
Arcadian Defensive System BOTWARS
Prims – 7
2 Way Communication – YES☑
E-mail Notifications - YES☑
Size changing – YES☑
Invisible mode – YES☑
External HUD plug in – YES☑
Multi HUD connectors – YES☑
Colour changing – YES☑
BotWars – YES☑
SONIADA comes with new cute shape and skin and just 7 prims ;-) and also with possibility to protect everything that you want protect from unauthorized persons. She is using Menu Driven System within you are able to control your bot from everywhere. Don’t let that her number of prims make you think that she is not powerful. You can resize her – to make her bigger or smaller, also you can change her colour or to make her invisible. Like every botwar she has MULTI HUD connector, so you can connect your HUD with your friends HUD (possible to connect with 7, 8 and more HUDs) and control bots of each other separate, but SONIADA has much more. She has E- HUD plug-in - So you can control her from your Windows, without login to SL!! So you will have protection 24 hours 7 days in week with or without login to SL.
Purchase SONIADA, load missiles with different power, and have fun with trying to bit friend’s bot.
Oh, yes, one thing you need to know - ALL scripts are created inside the "SONIADA" for specific targets and job, so it is not some copy-paste-multi-scripted object.
If you want anyone to come on your protected area then set up „HOVER” mode – means that bot will attack only your enemies from „Attack list“, but if you want only few people there put bot in „DEFENSE” mode, but don’t forget you must to add them in „Allow list“– so only they will be able to come in protected area. „Attack list” and „Allow list” are located inside your HUD, and there you can add the names of your friends and your enemies inside. Also there you have “Position URL” where you can add locations to set up „GO TO“ function, and „Owner list“ where you can add other persons to operate and control Soniada, but you need to know that they will have limited abilities. And after you made changes in those lists you need always to click on save before you close it, otherwise changes will not be made.
“HOVER” and “DEFENSE” mode you can mix with „POSITION” and „PATROL“. With position bot will have „return point“and that means if unauthorized person enters in protected area Soniada will attack him and then immediately return to position that you set up, or with “PATROL” put bot to fly above protected area, and don’t forget to set from where to where bot will fly specific or whole area (“Area patrol” or “Land patrol”). While he is flying or he is in “position” set his size - make him big or small.
With “RADAR” you will be able to see who is in 96 meters range of your bot, also with NOTIFICATION you will get information of arrival and Departure and with CHAT LISTENER you will know what people are saying, and even if you are offline you will get that on your mail.
SONIADA can follow you or your target person with intelligent pathway; also he can follow you when you move to other Sims; or if you click on “Come” he will try to come to you wherever you are. He is designed to bypass several SL issues, but not all.
Control the actions of the SONIADA (unsit, shoot – using no bullet guns with 100% accurate shoots, missile, stay, orbit, ban, follow, eject, approach). Also you can control ban time – for how long you want to keep the Banned avatars in Land's Ban List (for group owned lands, the SONIADA must be deeded). If you don’t want to ban persons - you can orbit them over 1 million meters high;
E- HUD plug in allows you to control your Soniada from your Windows when you are off from sl (if you have E-HUD licence).
SONIADA is COPY and TRANSFER (because of ability to deed him to the land and to be able to add persons in the ban list). The Hud is NO COPY, NO TRANSFER, NO MODIFY;
IMPORTANT: For max security over group owned land, the SONIADA must be deeded to the group. If is not, he will not be able to use several commands like unseat and ban.
With “SONIADA” you will have fun and protection, save prims, control without loging to sl :) Come and try!!!
See item in Second Life View Video »- Fully Sculpted
- 7 Prims
- Arcadian Engine
- In compliance with TOS
pretty fuckin nice
a little more pricey than some of the neurolab's stuff, but still simple UI (User Interface) a little hard on the waypoint or patroll system, but this is more of a defense and look pretty thing, where as the neurolab's items are more of the hey look at me i'm bad ass AND i work, but i dun always look too scary, even though i get the job done kinda thing. where as sparrow's stuff is more like..yo..yeh i got guns..AND i work..and not just that..i look bad ass...
ok so the break down yeh? sparrow's stuff works well so does neurolab's, neuro's stuff is more like meet an greet and more i dunno formal and interactive, where as sparrow's is more lets get this shit done and keep it done.
you want functionality or nifty things to work with thatr are more like an assistant or asthetically pleasing, go with neurolab. if you want to be a bit more scary about it go with sparrow labs. each one are perfect buys. each one works well enough as far as i have seen. sooo got the cash? get both want a greeter that works defense? go neurolab. yer choice both are great and i think i've iterated this enough now.
just keeps blowing my mind and i havent even read the instructions all the way threw yet