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Lady's tee Limited edition(BOXED)

Lady's tee Limited edition(BOXED)

This is a Fun T-Shirt.. made for fun while still looking good..

all the T-shirts have the same description, they are the same but have different Prints in them see the Picture so you know what your buying.

also the brands were its suited for is on the picture.

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Only for Classics
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted January 29, 2020 by CollegeAngel

Unless you use a classic or LL av, dont waste the money. This was bought for me because, due to the way its advertised, it was thought i could get it to fit my maitreya. There's no way this will fit me, even the XL size unless i hid almost every part of my upper body - and what's the point in having to change my av's entire upper body's physical appearance just to fit a shirt?

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