-{ Lalou }- Chair - Milano (PG)
A stylish velvet club chair to be used in any home, club or store environment.
Color change on click with button to change to 19 different fabric colors, and 6 metal colors. (All, Owner or Group access). The pillow can be changed independently.
50 animations included
10% store credit added with each purchase at main store in world
Modify, copy.
Land Impact: 3 LI with Pillow, 2 LI without Pillow
////////////// Menu ////////////////
**** Solo ****
- It has 15 solo female and 10 solo male pg sit animations.
**** Cuddles ****
- 14 sweet sit together and cuddles animations.
////////////// Features ////////////////
* Comes with full perm Ankle HUD to fix those annoying foot bends some animation can give in high feet shape. Click button to get it, and feel free to share it around.
* High quality original mesh and textures created by the designer of Lalou.
* Materials enabled.
* Automatically attached wearable props (when experiences is enabled at land, and accepted by the user)
* Easy to adjust positions with the menu buttons or with the included helper prims.
* 50 handpicked animations from some of the best SL animators, not counting additional hand poses.
* Avsitter 2 engine, no poseballs
Detailed notecard at store.
// Happy / Not happy? //
If you are happy with Lalou furniture, please leave a positive review. I will appreciate it a lot!
If you are not happy about something, I would like you to contact me in world to give me a chance to fix eventual errors and listen to your suggestions, instead of leaving a bad review.
/ Atblue Resident
See item in Second Life- Chair
- pouf
- stylish
- couples