G General

Landmark Giver Script & Floating Text Option V3

Landmark Giver Script & Floating Text Option V3

Everyone who clicks on the object where this script is in (and a landmark), receives the landmark.
Drag this script (and a landmark) into your object and click on the object to open the menu.

Menu options:
- Write floating text.
- Remove floating text.
- Select a floating text color (17).
- Transarency level of the floating text.
- Test button.
- Reset button.

- Only the owner can see the menu.
- This script gives one landmark at a time.
- You can change the floating text without opening the script.
- Your object must be modify to put the script in.
- This script is no modify and no transfer.

Good luck.
Greetings: Fluxilia.

  • Notecard how to use
  • Menu controlled
  • Easy setup