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Love! 2 White Frames

Love! 2 White Frames

2 x white wood framed with white mount canvases. These have been textured with my work "Love!". This artwork has been rendered at 1283 x 1900 pixels.

Shadows have been baked into the frame and the mount.

Copy/Modify no Transfer.

These items are convex prims. Included is 1 x 1LI and 1 x 2LI versions of this frame. When viewed from an extreme angle (please see the last image with the white frame as an example), the 1LI version has a tiny gap between the mount and the canvas. The 2LI version corrects this issue.

The frames have been scaled to fit the art exactly, but you can resize. Please note, if you make this frame HUGE this will obviously increase the LI of the art.

This artwork is also for sale as a full perm texture at my store.

This painting is called "Love!".

Romantic in a comic book kinda way.

This loving artwork was created in Illustrator.

See item in Second Life
  • 2 x Wood Framed with Mount Canvases
  • Textured with my work "Love!".
  • Copy/Modify NO Transfer.
  • These frames are convex prims
  • Included 1 x 1LI and 1 x 2LI versions of this frame.