G General

Ls Mesh Backpack No.4

Ls Mesh Backpack No.4

This package is for builders.

include Mesh object, and some textures to make your texture.

Package picture is a example.

Mesh of builder's material series has 1 or some textures.

Mesh grid texture to make texture, Shadow texture, sample texture etc.

Some products do not include some kinds of textures.

If you want your created objects to set your name as creator, Link your rezzed prim (as root prim) to mesh object.

*** EULA for Products ***

You can make your own objects with the mesh objects.

You are not allowed to sell or give away the mesh objects with copy+transfer or full permission.

You are not allowed to sell or give away sample objects, even if this package include sample objects.

You are not allowed to sell or give away the included textures and UV map to anyone.

You can use this products in Second Life only.

(C) 2013 LisaJP Kidd All rights reserved.

  • Mesh material for builders.
  • Include mesh grid texture and shadow texture, to make your texture.