G General

Magic Glowing Heart Necklace (xfer version)

Magic Glowing Heart Necklace (xfer version)


To open the options menu, either click on the necklace or activate the included gesture and press SHIFT-F3.

Cast Hearts - Allows you to select a nearby avatar via menu, and cast a circle of hearts around that avatar. You must have rez rights on the sim to be able to use.

Color: Selects the color of the heart pendant and glowing particle effects. Available colors: light blue, red, yellow, green, purple, pink, white, blue, orange. black

Light Source: Turns the light source of the necklace on and off

Always On: Sets the necklace to always be glowing, regardless of whether or not you're typing.

Typing Override: Sets to necklace to only activate while you're typing.

Off: Turns glow and particle effects off.