//// NEW PROMO infinity Mesh Photostudio Ultimate!! Jan 2022\\\\
## Incl Modules Pack ##
* Costum Background hud (add own textures)
* Backgrounds Pack, 7 Huds & Panels
* More then 300 Textures extra!!
* New Jan 2022 Animations & Engine!!
* HQ Backgrounds
* New 4 Points Lights (Left, Right, Up/Center, Down/Center)
* 270 Poses! New September animations
* 6 Particles (Rain, snow, leaves fall, fire, firerain, smoke)
* Poses Movement on Control Panel "Arrows"
* Mesh background for a HQ picture.
* HQ and some real Photostudio backgrounds
* Extra 360 Poses Move on the engine
/// Huds Addons \\\
The Studio MP huds Addon work with this studio, buy one of our special MP hud, attach it and select a background, it will automatich show on your studio backdrop. Look in our store for "MP Backgrounds Hud"
/// 360 move \\\
Click on single/couple and select options, click on adjust pose and move your avatar in any way you will like in 360 way!
/// Poses Movement on Control Panel \\\
Select a pose, jump on the poseball and use the arrows on the control panel to move your avatar.
NEW Addons Modules for this studio :
Mod / Copy / No Transfer
- 270 Poses
- Couple & Single Poses
- HQ Backgrounds
- Add your own backgrounds With addons Modules
- Poses Movement on Control Panel