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* Mike - GooGoo Babies G Stork delivery

* Mike - GooGoo Babies G Stork delivery
* Mike - GooGoo Babies G Stork delivery
1 Review

GooGoo Babies are Second Life babies without pre-programmed behavior, laggy scripts or tedious menus.

You have the flexibility to care for your SL children as you see fit, using the most simple and very basic SL building skills. If you can drag a texture, you can make unique clothing for your kids!

Right now the basic needs of your baby come first- to be held, cuddled and loved. Your baby needs a special wonderful name. After unpacking your baby from the Stork, “rename” the new babies in your inventory.

Hold your infant in your arms as much as you can.
“Wear” your baby. Walk carefully for the best effect. You may want to turn off your AO sometimes. If you purchase a separate “mommy” AO separately, you will want to use your baby labeled “without animation.”

Take your baby to see the world in the baby carrier.
“Wear” the basket that holds the baby (named “in basket.”) Walk carefully. You also will find an empty baby basket to place in your home or wherever you like.

Babies want to grow, and parents come in many different sizes. Your baby is fully modifiable. To do a simple resize, hold your baby. From the SL pie menu (left click), select Edit Object (with Stretch Textures enabled) to resize your baby and adjust positioning in your arm (technically the right hand.) This is a much easier operation that getting your hair to fit correctly!

Want to change its clothes? Place the baby in world, and carefully drop any texture you like on each part of the pajamas. This replaces the existing texture. Please see technical information (below) for more help.


Technical Information about SL GooGoo Babies “First Born” and "Enchanted"

in this package:

+Two copies of the baby that can be held (Modify, Transfer, No-Copy, animation)
+Two copies of the baby without animations that is safely compatible with any animation (cribs, rockers) or AO you purchased separately (Modify, Transfer, No-Copy)
+Two babies in Baby Basket that can be carried or placed in the world. (Modify, Transfer, No-Copy, animation)
+Two empty Baby Baskets that can be placed in the world. (Modify, Transfer, No-Copy, animation)
+The Stork (Modify, No-Transfer, Copy, unscripted)


Baby- 14 prims
Baby in carry basket – 16 prims
Baby carry basket alone – 7 prims
Stork with bag – 9 prims
Stork – 3 prims

Changing clothes and booties (Advanced skills)

You can change your baby’s clothes by dragging a texture onto the body part. Doing this replaces the existing texture. Careful! If you don't have a copy of the texture, it will be lost. Be careful not to drag it to the face or hands! Most textures that came with your baby were made by us, but some were bought in SL. At this time we cannot give or sell you these textures. The tiling of the textures (pattern repeating) was customized for each texture. In some cases if you change the texture, you will have to change the repeat numbers to make it look right. If you mess this up and have no where else to turn, write to us and we will try to help you under our Baby Safety policy (see below).

Scripts and Animations (Advanced Skills)

“Baby” and “Baby in Basket” attach to the right hand.
Scripts will override most Animation Overrides (A.O.s) in most conditions.
To use the many popular parenting Animation Overrides- wear the baby that has no animation. You can also put your own animations and scripts into the contents of the baby.
You can disable the hold-baby script: put baby on a soft floor. Edit the baby. Set Scripts to ‘Not Running’. Take your baby back in to your inventory before wearing.

Baby Safety Policy

We know you love your family. Your baby is modifyable, Second Life is not always stable, and people can make mistakes. In the event something happens to your baby, don’t panic. Send a note-card to SimonTemplar Bernard explaining what happened. We are certified in GooGoo Baby medicine and we will help you as best we can. This free service and is provided as we are available. Joining our group or keeping your SL transaction ID and date of transaction is helpful, but not necessary.

- SimonTemplar Bernard and Aklanin

  • 2 babies to hold, 2 in baskets to hold, 2 unanimated babes for crib or mommy AO.
  • MODIFY and TRANSFER permissions- it's truely your baby
  • beautiful face and giggles when you click
  • NOT interactive. This is a feature for many of our families!
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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A Great Addition to the family
full star full star full star full star full star Posted October 06, 2012 by Jaisun

Just what we wanted. A simple little boy with no scripts to worth with, No lag, highly modifiable and fun to make changes to, make sure to rename the new look so you can have different versions of him. A few giggles and coos to make you smile . how sweet is that.... Pssst ( SImons storks are known for delivering all forms of little additions ,,, hybrids, furries, even teeny tiny petities,, Drop him a line,, They love looking for your next bundle of joy,, ( or nightmare,, hehe ))

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L$ 199

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SimonTemplar Bernard
SimonTemplar Bernard

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This item will be delivered directly to you or a friend in Second Life, unpacked and ready to use. No land or sandbox required.

  • Copy
  • Modify
  • Transfer
  • User Licensed
Automatic redelivery
Land Impact: 14