Welcome to the Mult pose stand and drive system.
Our upgraded model from the muti pose stand which has been a massive hit with clients.
The stand comes with 50 poses included and can pose more than one avatar at once to create, single, couple or group posing using the anims in the stand.
Toggle between avatars to move and design your posing
This new pose stand has the added features of drives,these drives you can add in your selected poses...ie sit poses all into one drive or kneel and so on. You have 4 drives you can put different pose anims into.
To add the poses click and edit the stand and then tick the edit parts box then click on the drive you wish to use. Drag and drop the pose anims into the content box.
If you just want to add poses into the stand itself and not the drives then edit the stand and simply drop the pose anims into the main content tab of the stand.
You can now save your favorite poses in a drop down menu re call system. To do this you simply pose your favorite poses, click the Pose options button on the hud and choose save pose! you will be given a code in your chat bar, copy and this code and then edit the the stand and find the note card inside the content tab. paste and save this code onto the note card and the pose will then be registered in the drop menu when you choose pose options and recall a pose you saved.
You have a HUD supplied and with this HUD you can change poses,change avatars using the next and prev buttons. you can move your avatar around the stand clicking the direction buttons or spin them 360 degrees. you can hide and show the stand, and change the movement from course, medium or fine. You have a security setting to who uses the stand, chat whisper will tell you its state as you click the button.
You can scroll through the drives or main stand with the scroll buttons , the drives light up to which one is active.
I have added in some textures you may feel you can label your drives, simply drag and drop onto the number present on the drive you want to label.
Now has the added option of rezzing a back drop behind you to make photos more simpler to take. you can change the color of this back drop or even add your own texture into the panel also. All controlled via the hud.
See item in Second Life View Video »- hud controls for easy photo studio use
- Multiple Avatar posing from single,couple or group
- Uses any animation to create various multiple posing
- Mesh and HUD
- Quality scripted and design
A lovely and useful pose stand
This is quite a wonderful and useful pose stand, I bought this since I wanted a pose stand that would work my photography business in Second Life, and would allow for multiple avatars on it.
I like how you can insert your own poses into the drives or the Pose Stand itself, allows for easily switching between sets of poses to utilize.
Does Exactly what I need
Bought this pose stand to add all of my personal poses to, worked well and made the process simple. the included poses are worth the price and then some, its a nice package you won't be disappointed.
WOAH just great!
bought another pose stand from you, it was great. This one is even better. I really like the designs and poses
Professional Stand Well made.
This stand will not only help you to create the most elegant photos well. It is easy to operate and with what feels like endless storage and can separate adult poses from pg ones and family for multiple poses. This is a steal at this price and I am grateful. The really nice thing about this stand is not only does it make it easy but with basic knowledge you can keep the person on the stand while manipulating the poses and heights. 100 percent satisfied.
As versatile as it gets
With 4 drives you can load the poses for any occasion. Male, Female, Jump, Sit... Just about anything you want. Move your subjects and around, take group pictures or single. Image Photography has thought of it all with this second gen Multi Pose stand so check it out. Easy to understand instructions make it a breeze to be up and running in no time.
Great Product
another great product from this creator, does exactly what i need it for, very easy to use, the drive option is great allowing me to switch between sit poses and stand poses very easily, ans the save option is just great , saves so much time . HIghly recommend this......