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My Springtime Ride Boxed Version 1

My Springtime Ride Boxed

Warmer weather, bright sunshine, the birds, the breezes and everything is waking up again! Get out there and enjoy it all with a Springtime Ride.


*Seats 2 Avatars (3 if you are using a horse avatar to drive)
*Multiple sits for Human avatars (Display, Driveable, and Horse Avatar versions)
*Spinning Wheels
*Carriage Sounds on Human Driven/Horse Avatar Vehicles
*Rough (RT) and Flat terrain (FT) versions included for Human/Horse Avatar driven vehicles
*Owner or Public use on Human/Teeglepet Versions. (Driver can change on Horse Avatar version- Teegle only)
*Works with TeeglePet (insrutctions, Base Equine NC modified, and Animations included)
*Works with Waterhorse (some modifications necessary)
*Can work with RH & TWI with some glitches

LI - 14 - 16 (W/teeglepet linked it is much higher but will still work as a vehicle)


The cart is Copyable, and modifiable, the harness rails are in 3 parts. The top part with coupling, the curved base rail that extends beneath the cart, and the brackets on the very bottom of the cart. This is to allow for greater adjusting when fitting different horse *breeds* to the cart.

There is seating for 2 human avatars on the seat bench. Click the seat bench or the seat back to sit. There are driver animations for both sides (Lft or right hand drive)

Horse Avatar Driven version, humans sit on the seat as mentioned above, and horse avatar sits on the white ball in the front. The horse avatar has the option to change who drives the cart.

Human Driven Cart is for use with any wearable horse including Waterhorse Animesh. To use the cart with a wearable horse the driver sits on the raised curved shape (lft side of seat) then attach your horse and edit it until it is in front of you. Waterhorse users can replace the rider animation in the horse with the driver animation included in the Teeglepet package or inside the cart itself. Click the seat back posts (black metal textured) to start and stop the carriage sounds, click the cart to access menu. Cart can be set to Owner only, or Public use.

See item in Second Life
  • Driveable Vehicle
  • TeeglePet Compatible
  • Card for teeglepet included
  • Horse Avatar Bento & Animesh Compatible
  • Turning wheels
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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A Fun Cart
full star full star full star full star full star Posted March 29, 2022 by Kameo McCullough

This cart works great with a Teeglepet Quarter Horse. It's a nice size for him, and hitching him up to the cart was very simple. The instructions are clear and easy to follow. Thanks for making my first cart affordable and easy to use.

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