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[NaT]-dEcO-Forgotten Cape-Dock Weathered

[NaT]-dEcO-Forgotten Cape-Dock Weathered
[NaT]-dEcO-Forgotten Cape-Dock Weathered
1 Review

***As of April 2014 my decor products are setup at the store or in the garden around the store. You can test the poses, try the texture menus etc. You can however only buy them on the SL Marketplace. I decided to run my store that way to save prims resulting in me being able to keep prices reasonable for my customers.***

Old Dock 5 prim
Original Mesh Design, exclusive for [NaT]
Original baked textures.
Blanket can change to 20 different textures.
Decorations included (rope 2 prim, lifebuoy 2 prim, blanket 1 prim and a metal lantern 2 prim)

The set is 100% mesh except from the blanket which is sculpted to fit the mesh dock. Why not 100% mesh you might wonder. Mesh is not always easy on the primcount. For some objects it is better to use sculpted prims or even conventional prims. I know you love to do as much as possible with the amount of prims you are allowed, so I choose to sometimes mix mesh with other prims to make that possible. This dock is made out of mesh but I made it so that you can modify it as much as possible. I designed it in a way that gives you the possibility to change and edit your dock parts while keeping the prim count low within these boundaries. If you would like to make the dock longer, just copy the last parts and re-use them to extend the dock as many times as you want. There is a notecard that will help you edit your dock safely.

The blanket has a menu to control the texture shown. The dock with its decorations is rezzed at the in-world store if you want to take a closer look at it or try the textures. Just TP to the store and you will land right on top of it. Can't miss :-).
The dock is available in three wood tones, see related items for the other two tones. The gate and paper lantern guirlande you see in the last two pictures are sold separately.

Short Mesh info:
Mesh objects that are not rigged, like furniture or decoration, can be resized. Resizing a mesh will result in prim count and Li going up or down. A bigger mesh uses more prims then the same object in a smaller size.

Mesh has a prim count, depending on it's land impact. The LI (land impact) is not calculated like prims are. For instance, an object can be less then a prim, or 3,7 prims. This results in lower, or higher prim count then you would expect when you link them together in a linkset. In the case of a lower then 1 prim count mesh, like linking 4 meshes together that each have a Li of 0.5, this would mean you will end up with a Li of only 2 (counts as 2 prims). If you would rezz that same mesh, with a Li of 0.5, on it's own, it would result in a prim count of 1 whole prim. Always make sure to check what prim is the root prim of the item before you unlink anything. Root prims are shown in yellow lining, normal prims are blue. Changing the root prim may result in changes in prim count/land impact! In the case of this dock it will also result in not being able to push the dock over sim boundries (making it off sim for a part). You need the root prim on your land to be able to push the normal prims over sim borders.

Please take some time to make a copy of the object you intend to edit. This will ensure that you still have a back up in you inventory in case the editing goes wrong.
If you have a problem with or a question about one of my products, please send me a note card and I will get back to you asap.

*** This object contains mesh. To be able to see it in Second Life you need the latest Second Life Viewer or a third party mesh capable viewer. ***

See item in Second Life
  • Original Mesh
  • Sculpted Prims
  • Baked textures
  • Menu
  • decorations included
Average rating: full star full star full star empty star empty star
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it is what it is
full star full star full star empty star empty star Posted May 26, 2022 by kalamityjane

the dock itself is 5 prims as base size and that's high for such a simple mesh dock (the same can be found at 2 or even 1 prim), it is not animated at all, the textures on the dock are basic and a bit blurry. The blanket has a decent texture selection but again basic texturing. The lantern is cool and the life preserver is nicely done. To use this dock for anything more than posing for a photoshoot requires animating it from scratch. To use it with full graphics requires a total retexturing. May have been worth 99$ 5 years ago but more like 4 dollarbies in one box. For the L$ it should at least have some basic sits or be done to modern graphics standards.

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L$ 99

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[NaT] by Vanilla
[NaT] by Vanilla
Sold by: VanillaSunsets

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  • User Licensed
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Mesh: Partial Mesh