This outfit can fit a male or female and if complete Modifyable and copy. The hat is even scripted allowing you to be able to change the color and Kanji for the proper Kage village you want to be in!
Items you get:
*Kage Hat Scripted
*Sculpted Pants
*Flexi Skirt & Sclupted skirt base
*Geta shoes
*Jacket and pants
*Sclupted sleeves
Keywords: Naruto, anime, Senju, clan, ninja, female, costume, cosplay, shinobi, UCHIHA, Akatsuki, nara, hyuuga, female outfit, winter dress, skirt, hakama skirt, Mizukage, Hokage, Kage, robes, scripted, sclupies, samurai, baggie pants
The Hokage:(Red) 火
The Kazekage:(green) 風
The Mizukage:(Blue) 水
The Raikage:(yellow) 雷
The Tsuchikage:(Orange) 土
Otogakure:(Purple) 音
Yukigakure:(Silver) 雪