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[Nikita] Rigged Mesh Candy Hair - Dark Set - Dark Tones

[Nikita] Rigged Mesh Candy Hair - Dark Set - Dark Tones

The contents: Only the Hair " candy" in " Dark colors" 100% Rigged Mesh + Alpha Layer Opcional
Dark Set tones comes 5 colors Blackout, Coke, coke cherry, midnight and mocha ... like shows on picture extra.

* Please, to purchase others colors and DEMO go to shop in-World! sorry the inconvenience, but if I put all the colors individually and demos would be a visual polluted, because are many many hairstyles.

* Requires a MESH enabled Viewer

* Permissions are modified and copy but the mesh products you can only rename and add. Because rigged mesh cannot be modified.

See item in Second Life
  • side
  • hairstyle
  • rigged
  • mesh
  • candy