The Old Barrel is perfect for keeping a protective watch of both land and sea!
PLEASE NOTE and SELECT CAREFULLY: The Rancher Barrel comes in 1 PRIM or 3 PRIMS. The difference in the prim count is the 3 Prim barrel has 3D iron nails. Please refer to the photos or view in-world.
It is Fully Animated with 10 animations (5 Male and 5 Female) – NO pose balls, 100% Mesh and only 3 prims!
NOTE : The Barrel comes with an ADJUST function menu for the user to make custom adjustments for their specific avatar. The scripts will remember a large number of custom positions for avatars who use the "[ADJUST]" menu to adjust poses.
The animations are run by only a few extremely high efficiency scripts which use very little sim script time which reduces excessive and annoying game lag!
Animations are sized for Both Male and Female and include the following:
~ Watcher – Keeping and eye on things high and low.
~ Sit Search – Sit and search while seated on the barrel. You can even see through the looking glass!
~ Pacing – Moves (walks) your avatar across the guarding area while keeping and eye on things! No HUD needed! It is build into the animation itself!
~ Search – Continue walking and searching the area you so valiantly protect! You might even be a bird watcher?
Binoculars will rez and attach with the above animations, no hunting in your inventory for an item.
~ Reading - Take a break, relax and read! Receive reading book automatically when selecting this animation. No need to attach/wear the item it will rez before your eyes!
~ SEQUENCES - There are 2 sequences for each gender. They are labeled as follows:
PLAY SITS - Will sequence the 2 sitting animations continuously!
PLAY STANDS - Will sequence the 2 standing animations continuously!
View the Short Video!
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Note: The Old Barrel – Coast Watcher is also available. It has no Reading Animation, you can't be reading while on the job! It includes Salute and Bugle Calls. See other listing.
~*~ All Animations created by Electra Karsin ~*~
Reviews are appreciated so that you may assist me in bringing you quality items!
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See item in Second Life View Video »