G General

ONE-SWING couple bench 001 (PG)

ONE-SWING couple bench 001 (PG)

Thank you for your interest in ONE-Creations items .


These item are PG / Animated and are 100% originals created by ONE-Creations.
The animations that come with them are by ONE-Creations / ONE Body Language.

Note that the animations can be adjusted to fit your avatar properly.
To achieve Facial Expressions use the standard bento head huds that come with your avatar head.

It is impossible to make poses to fit every single av shape /hight in SL , Some adjusting may be needed.

The items are enforced by a script which allow you to do this for your own avatar shape and height (It's easy to use)
Just sit and chose 'adjust' from the menu with rotation/position u need. The items are copyable so you don't need to worry if adjusting goes wrong .

This items is Material Enabled this means in order to make them show as intended, your viewer has to be set to ULTRA with (Advanced Lighting) enabled.
The Seats are color changeable with a click script.

Permissions for these items have been set to copy only, they are No transfer therefore all purchases are final.

Follow us and see Better illustrations:
Flickr : https://www.flickr.com/photos/145915179@N03/?

*Check item inworlds

Enjoy your Purchase.

See item in Second Life