Full Perms 100% mesh 2mm jump ring.
Includes silver and gold textures.
This jump ring is just 1prim Land Impact and can be sized down as small as 2mm in diameter.
Terms of use:
Do not resell/give away this item on its own or as part of a set/group of similar items.
Do not resell/give away this item with full permissions settings
Feel free to use this in your jewelry creation for jewelry that is to be sold in Second Life for profit.
You may not export this item to other grids.
If you use this in your jewelry, please remember to leave a review on the marketplace!
- 100% Mesh
- Full Perms
10 Stars!
Something so simple but so perfect as a finishing touch to a project. A great item for nano builds at a fantastic price!! Thank you!
really nice ring.
extremely small and verry useful ,(might want to open your edit before you rez ,,it really is tiny,;) )
Perfect and inexpensive
Just right for jewelry construction, nano sized. Textures are lovely.
Definitely great for attaching an ornament or bauble to a chain or whatever you need