This kit is designed to allow you to use your Omega Eye Appliers even if you don't have a mesh that includes Eyes.
Included you'll find a set of mesh eyes sized for the standard non-mesh avi. Simply wear and use your Omega Eye Appliers.
In case you're curious, the orginal unscripted full perm mesh eyes can be found here:
For more info, check our blog at:
I am SO happy!
This is exactly what I wanted!! I have a head that is almost never supported, so no one makes specifically for my head and BOM doesn't fit. This is exactly what I needed for eyes that fit exactly the way I want, using the textures by my favourite creators
Great product. Simple. Great price. No issues. Buy it. It works exactly as described. Made my headache go away immediately messing with other mesh eyes. Thank you.
These are great for mesh head users who want a pair of unrigged mesh eyes they can modify- to have smaller or larger size, stretch the texture for smaller or larger iris size, move around to make them fit better in your mesh head, to make full bright and glow, etc. I use these instead of the eyes that came with my Genus mesh head for that reason, because I wanted glowy eyes. They work great. As for other reviews, maybe there should be a note or an image of the eyes to make it more clear what you get when you buy this? It clearly says they sized for the "standard non-mesh avi," i.e. the old school default Ruth avs, which are human. They're definitely human/humanoid size and shape eyes, so they're not gonna fit the big eye sockets of furry avs.
great! easy to use
I resized these eyes manually to fit my Yabusaka Petite avatar in just a few minutes and now can use all my Omega eye appliers for this avatar, thanks !
Don't Buy for Furry
The included eyes (while okay for human avatars) cannot be resized large enough to fit other avatars without very large protrusions that clip into the head mesh. This is the fault of the mesh not actually being round, and instead being more egg-shaped to simulate a pupil. They also cannot be linked together, as only the root prim will ever change texture. I am disappointed to find I cannot make use of this kit. :( Sadpanda.