Bodycon sequin tube dress. Each color includes all 5 standard sizes and an alpha layer. Please demo before you buy.
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See item in Second LifeSexy dress... with just one minor flaw
I have already bought the white version of this dress and was already well pleased with the way it looks. U*nlike the other reviewer I have had no major issues with its fitting. My only issue has been with the hem. By default the dress applies all sizes, but I find that the Medium size flatters my figure best. However, in every size the hem looks patchy although I suppose it is a small price to pay for a dress which looks so good for such an excellent price!
Straps not as slim as pictured
The shoulder straps on this dress are wider then pictured and move unnaturally with your avatar. I could not get around this flaw so I just deleted it.... ADIOS 300 Lindens.