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Pontoon Bridge, Auxiliary Version 1.0 [ 3 April 2023 ]

Pontoon Bridge, Auxiliary

The Pontoon Bridge, Auxiliary is a quick-to-assemble bridging system that would be deployed by army sappers in the field to replace damaged or destroyed river crossings. The pontoons are of a simple rugged design that in the real world would be easy to build and repair, and ought to look right in SL scenarios from World War II up to the present day.

The pack contains:

* Pontoon Type 1 - eleven individually numbered pontoons
* Pontoon Type 2 - two individually numbered pontoons with generators installed and two individually numbered without generators
* Rope sections to lash the pontoons together
* Main deck sections
* On/Off ramp sections - angle these up or down as desired to match terrain on either side of the crossing
* A fully worked-up example bridge that can either be used 'out of the box' or as an example to see how the parts fit together

* Fully functioning sailable Special Forces Rib inflatable boat

All parts are full permission so you can edit the textures if you want even more individually-numbered pontoons for long crossings.

** Please note, this pack is the bridge and the rib inflatable ONLY. The tanks shown in the pictures are NOT included in this pack, they are other creators' work used for illustration only. You will need to provide your own road vehicles as desired **