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[R] Ichigo Vizard Mask Transformation Boxed Version 5.0

[R] Ichigo Vizard Mask Transformation Boxed

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Ichigo Vizard Mask Transformation Set.

The Vizard Mask is from the anime/manga Bleach.
All easy to use.

Read the Instruction Notecard on how to use!

Transform to ichigo vizard by pressing the choice of transformation.

Hollowfication - A long and heavy transformation just like in the show bleach.

Fast Hollowfication - Quickly puts on the mask.

Super Fast Hollowfication - Its the same effect as the Release Power thats why i did not put any picture but its faster then the Fast Hollowfication.

Possess - In some of the bleach episode, there is a time where ichigo is being possess. This is the transformation for the possess. This is a new feature that i made. Remember this is for the mask possess not the vasto lorde possess or others.

Release Power - Takes off the mask with effects on it.

Mask Crack Full - Cracks the mask fully.

Mask Crack Half - It cracks half of the mask.

Aura - A aura like bleach reiatsu.

Hollowfication Mask - If you look at the anime closely, you can see that when ichigo transform, the mask eyes turns blue then back to the normal eyes.

PS. Mask is modifiable!
(Mask is now resizable and is able to resize accordingly.)

Fix some minor bugs.

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They are:
Copy/No mod/No trans

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By. Zack Lyric [ Ridiculous ]